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Our brand pc hollow sheet, solid pc sheet and PC profile which are well know of their stable quantity and it is available in a diverse variety with complete specifications, thus it is able to meet the different requirements of our customers.

Làmina d'hivernacle de policarbonat d'hivernacle 100% lexan verge
Làmina d'hivernacle de policarbonat d'hivernacle 100% lexan verge

Product name: polycarbonate multiwall sheet
Tipus: làmina buida
Material: Policarbonat

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Làmina de policarbonat de sostre solar sòlid de raspades de matèries primeres de plàstic d'alta qualitat per a la venda
Làmina de policarbonat de sostre solar sòlid de raspades de matèries primeres de plàstic d'alta qualitat per a la venda

Item name: colored pc sheet
Sheet size: 1220*2440mm or customized
Sheet thickness: 1.5-20mm or customized
Sheet color: colored customized

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10 anys de garantia Placa de sostre de plàstic de PC transparent de policarbonat corrugat per a la sala de sol d'hivernacle del sostre
10 anys de garantia Placa de sostre de plàstic de PC transparent de policarbonat corrugat per a la sala de sol d'hivernacle del sostre

Ensure that the visible light incident shield as much heat as possible, equivalent to ordinary panels with better energy-saving effect completely isolated from ultraviolet light, high fire rating and strong pressure-bearing capacity

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Venda directa de fàbrica d'hivernacle d'hivernacle UV làmina de policarbonat ondulat transparent
Venda directa de fàbrica d'hivernacle d'hivernacle UV làmina de policarbonat ondulat transparent

Nom del producte: bitllet d'avió tèrmic, targeta d'embarcament, targeta d'embarcament de companyia aèria
Material: PC
Nom de marca: Nilin
Color: personalitzat
Mida: 50000 * 1220 mm Mida personalitzada

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Adhesiu de paret de làmina de mirall reflectant directe de fàbrica, plàstic de vidre, full acrílic de mirall d'or platejat d'1 mm de gruix
Adhesiu de paret de làmina de mirall reflectant directe de fàbrica, plàstic de vidre, full acrílic de mirall d'or platejat d'1 mm de gruix

Nom del producte: làmina acrílica mirall
Tipus: làmina acrílica
Material: acrílic
Nom de marca: NILIN
Gruix: 1-80mm
Mida: 1220 * 2440 mm o mida personalitzada.
Color: Transparent, blau, bronze, verd, òpal o colors personalitzats

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Advantages Of New Materials

Development And Customization Of High Quality Pc Board


molts Excellent case

Our brand pc hollow sheet, solid pc sheet and PC profile which are well know of their stable quantity and it is available in a diverse variety with complete specifications, thus it is able to meet the different requirements of our customers.

Personalitzat Model de negoci

Recommend Products According To Customer Needs, Implement Customization And Provide Solutions

Because there are 300 employees, more than 50% of whom are engineers and highly skilled workers, they are strict with themselves and recognize every step of their work. They continue to work hard to make the products full of customers.

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